Can Bully Sticks Cause Intestinal Blockage?

Neto Martini · Aug 2, 2024 · All
Bully Sticks

Intestinal blockages are a serious concern, especially if a dog swallows a large piece of a bully stick. While bully sticks are digestible, it’s crucial to ensure that dogs only consume pieces they can comfortably digest.

Preventive Measures:

  • Size Appropriateness: Choose bully sticks appropriate for your dog’s size to reduce the risk of swallowing large chunks. Larger sticks are better suited for bigger dogs, while smaller dogs should have access to smaller sticks.
  • Monitoring Chewing: Always supervise your dog while they are chewing on a bully stick. If they tend to bite off large pieces, consider removing the stick when it gets too small or soft.
  • Proper Disposal: Discard any small remnants of the bully stick to prevent your dog from swallowing them whole, which could lead to a blockage.

Natural Farm's bully sticks are made with safety in mind. They offer a variety of sizes to suit different breeds and ensure that their products are digestible. Natural Farm's commitment to quality includes rigorous testing to ensure the safety of their treats. By following their guidelines, you can significantly reduce the risk of your dog experiencing any issues from consuming bully sticks.